martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Obtener información sobre núcleos físicos, CPUs físicos y virtuales y tipo de procesador en SQL Server utilizando T-SQL


Script para obtener la información sobre los procesadores disponibles para ser consumidos por SQL Server:
  • Número total de CPUs físicos
  • Número total de núcleos por CPU
  • Número total de núcleos físicos
  • Número total de núcleos virtuales
  • Tipo de procesador (x86 o x64)

DECLARE @xp_msver TABLE (
[idx] [int] NULL
[c_name] [varchar](100) NULL
[int_val] [float] NULL
[c_val] [varchar](128) NULL
INSERT INTO @xp_msverEXEC ('[master]..[xp_msver]');;
WITH [ProcessorInfo]AS (
SELECT ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) AS [number_of_physical_cpus]
WHEN hyperthread_ratio = cpu_count
THEN cpu_count
ELSE (([cpu_count] - [hyperthread_ratio]) / ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]))
END AS [number_of_cores_per_cpu]
WHEN hyperthread_ratio = cpu_count
THEN cpu_count
ELSE ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) * (([cpu_count] - [hyperthread_ratio]) / ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]))
END AS [total_number_of_cores]
,[cpu_count] AS [number_of_virtual_cpus]
SELECT [c_val]
FROM @xp_msver
WHERE [c_name] = 'Platform'
) AS [cpu_category]
FROM [sys].[dm_os_sys_info]
)SELECT [number_of_physical_cpus]
,LTRIM(RIGHT([cpu_category], CHARINDEX('x', [cpu_category]) - 1)) AS [cpu_category]FROM [ProcessorInfo]


Get SQL Server Physical Cores, Physical and Virtual CPUs, and Processor type information using Transact-SQL (T-SQL) script

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